Rejane Cantoni & Leonardo Crescenti





FLOOR invites visitors to engage with a wave on a reflective metal walkway, which can be enjoyed visually or experienced physically by “riding” the wave as it passes. Visitors can take part by creating waves, watching the reflections the waves create, letting a wave lift them as it passes, or any combination of the three.

Rejane Cantoni is an artist based in São Paulo, Brazil. She holds multiple graduate degrees and has taught mathematics, physics, and technology at the Catholic University of São Paulo. Her installations use sound, visuals, and touch to allow audiences to explore unique environments.

Leonardo Crescenti’s education and career encompasses architecture, new media, photography, and filmmaking. His output as a director consists of 13 short films, including three showings at the Cannes Film Festival and 35 filmmaking awards from multiple countries.

Learn more about Rejane and Leo on their website.


onformative, Nick Verstand & Geert Schaap


Candy Chang